分類/標籤 網誌/分享 BLOGS | 創業者言 | by mark kong

寫blog 現在好像很old school, 但其實blog 是跟讀者很好的溝通方法,而這寫得一手好blog, 絶對幫到創業者。當然寫得好和唔好是有很大分別。這裏有一些寫blog 小秘技,大家可參考一下:

1. Posting frequency matters, but not as much as persistence.
要時常寫很多存稿,因為要準備post 出來,但持續性地post, 比頻率更為重要,只要夠長時間持續是最重要的,這也是最不容易的地方

2. Know the 20 percent that drives 80 percent of your results
很多時付出和成果是不成正比的,blog 也是一樣,大部份traffic也是來自20%的內容,跟其他產品一樣,現在是流行的blog 是infograph

3. The importance of good timing and owning a niche.

4. Over the long run, useful content usually beats viral content

5. Building traffic takes time, but this time can be reduced with planning.

6. Utilize the power of compounding.
萬事起頭難,但stage 1 已ok 後,stage 2 就會加快

7. Using stakes to overcome the emotional challenges.
寫好blogger, 一定要很多感情的投入

原文連結 http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/234264 

mark kong
